Vor einer der bekanntesten chinesischen Universitäten, der RENMIN-Universität in Beijing.
A. Wissenschaftlich
B. Weitere Vorträge
- (jeweils) mit Links zu Texten und Vortragsfolien
A. Wissenschaftlich
1. (1996): Ökoregion Waldviertel/Südböhmen – Leitbild aus dem regionalen Entwicklungskonzept für das nördliche Niederösterreich. Wissenschaftliches Symposion EUPRI Gmünd 19./20. 4 1996. Tagungsband S. 35-47
2. (2000): Siedlungskonzentration in einem peripheren Raum. Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Wien 20.-23. 9. 2000
3. (2002): Rural Policy in Austria - Good Practice Waldviertel Management.Cracow 11.3.02
4. (2004): Spatial Concentration of Settlements in the Austrian Rural District Waidhofen/Thaya Brno.
4a. (2005): Fallstudie zur „Entwicklung lokaler Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel der Region Kautzen in Niederösterreich – Bedingungen, Erfolge und Probleme beim Einschlagen des Weges einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Arbeitsgemeinschaft ländliche Sozialforschung 18. März 2005. BERICHT UND DISKUSSION
5. (2005): Long Run Development of Rural Population 1867-1991 on the Micro Level Empirical Results for an Austrian Peripheral District. ESRS - European Society for Rural Sociology Congress Keszthely. 23 August 2005, Hungary
5a. (2005): Local Sustainability in the Rural Region Kautzen, Lower Austria -Driving Forces and Conditions of Success at he Choice for Sustainable Development. ESRS - European Society for Rural Sociology Congress Keszthely. 23 August 2005, Hungary
6. (2006): Hohe Profit- und Diskontraten als Faktoren der Abwertung zukünftiger Risken und Schäden bei Investitionsrechnungen und Kosten-Nutzen-Analysen. Vortrag beim 9. Österreichischen Klimatag am 16. / 17. März 2006, Wien:
7. Lokale Bedingungen und Probleme am Pfad der Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel der Region Kautzen in NÖ. Vortrag beim 9. Österreichischen Klimatag am 16. und 17. März 2006, Wien
8. ...
(2006): Some generalisations of socio-economic and
socio-ecological concepts of time and space, energy and environment, and concentration processes - based on Marxian thinking. Conference “Economic Globalization and Modern Marxist Economics”,
April 2-3, 2006 Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Abstract
(2006) Vertical Market Power in a Systemic Concept of Market Power. 8th Annual Conference of AHE. London,
11. (2006): Who are the captains of the global value chains of food, and can we regulate them ? BIG FOOD – Global concentration in the value added chains of food - Impacts to sustainability. 10 years of Green Economics Conference.7th Oct 06, London
12. (2006): Towards a General Socio-ecological Theory of Sustainability. ISEE- International Society of Ecological Economists Conference - New Delhi- 15-18 December, 2006, New Delhi.
13. (2007): Pareto optimal Sinking in the Climate Change or Redistribution – The “Brazil Proposal” and Equity Concepts for Burden Sharing of Mitigation Activities on Climate Change. Paper. Conference ESEE - European Society of Ecological Economists - Leipzig - 5-8 June 2007 and 9th Annual Conference AHE – Bristol 13-15 July 2007
14. (2007), Ökologische Fragen sind Verteilungsfragen geworden und Konstellationen für eine sozialökologische Wende. Referat Tagung der Rosa Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS): Sozialökologischer Umbau als zentrale Herausforderung für alternative wirtschaftspolitische Konzepte und Strategien, Berlin 30.6.07
15. (2008): Klimawandel und (globale) Verteilung (Climate change and - global - distribution), 10. Österreichischer Klimatag, 14-3-2008, Universität für Bodenkultur
16. . (2008): Will Climate Change Enforce Global Justice? Elements of Politicial Ecology of Climate Change. Paper AHE Conference Cambridge 4th to 6th July 2008
(2008): Klimapolitik und Gerechtigkeit
- Klimakrise und (globale) Verteilung. Momentum-Konferenz. Hallstatt 25.-27.9.2008. PAPER
(2008): Elements of political economy and
political ecology of climate change:
Distribution and climate crisis – principles for global solutions. Third Forum of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE). May 24-25,
2008. Langfang City, China
19. (2009): Which crisis next to the financial crisis: energy, food, climate crisis? 4th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy May 28th, 2009 Paris
20. (2009): How to measure and compare sustainability? - Implemented concepts of measuring sustainability in China in comparison with EU countries Biennial Conference of the US Society for Ecological Economics, June 3nd 2009, Washington
21. (2009): Will climate crisis enforce global fairness? – Distributional solutions on different levels as a prerequisite for an effective climate. 8th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. 29 June to 2 July 2009. University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
22. (2009): Das Feuer des Drachen – Chinas Perspektiven in sozialökologischer Sicht. Vortrag Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien 21-10-2009
23. (2010): Strategic Issues for Eco-social Transitions in the 21st Century. 5th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy. May 29~30, 2010. Suzhou, China
24. (2010): Experience and key issues of climate change and low carbon economic policy in Europe. International forum on legislation of climate change and low carbon economy. 1-2 June 2010. Renmin University, Beijing
25. (2010): Climate Change and Distribution. International Civil Society Conference on: After the Failure of Copenhagen: Ways to Sustainability and Low Carbon Economies in Europe and in China. Civil Society Perspectives-. Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, June 28th to June 30th, 2010. Bonn, Germany
(2011): Eco-socialism or no socialism – a shift in the coordinates for the left
生态社会主义或无社会主义-左翼势力的转变. 6 th WAPE Conference, May 2011, Amherst, Massachusetts (English/Chinese). PAPER
27. (2011): Interdisciplinary and intercultural analysis of experiences of good practice and progress in low carbon regional development in Taiwan and Austria. Workshop on Energy pilot regions - Good practice and progress in low carbon regions. July 7th-8th, 2011, University of Vienna
28. (2011): The spatial dimension of increasing labour disputes in China. 6th International Conference of Critical Geography 16-20 August 2011. Frankfurt, Germany
Baum J. (2011): Conditions, opportunities and main fields of a socio-ecological transformation: Elements for a reformulation
of historical materialism -Will ecosocialism become "necessary"?. Momentum-Conference. Hallstatt 27.- 30. Oktober 2011 PAPER
30. (2011): Paths to sustainability: Opportunities, problems, driving forces and the importance of environmental movements Conference on Comparing Green Economy and Socio-ecological Movements in China and Europe,18-19 November 2011, Renmin University, Beijing, and International College Suzhou, Renmin University
31. (2011): Paths to sustainability: Opportunities, problems, driving forces and the importance of environmental movements, in: Zhou Ke (ed) (2013): Climate Change and Socio-Ecological Movements Comparison between China and Europe First China-EU Social Ecological and Legal Forum, Renmin University, Beijing, Dazu Bericht
32. (2012): Paths to sustainability under the context of climate change deadlines. 12th Biennial Conference ISEE - International Society of Ecological Economists, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 16-19 June 2012
33. (2012): Paths to sustainability under the context of climate change deadlines - regional, class and other distributions matter. RSA Regional Studies Association-conference, 2012, Beijing, 24-27 June 2012
34. (2012): Contested issues on implementation of principles of CBDR (“Common but differentiated responsibility”). Second China-EU Social Ecological and Legal Forum, Renmin University, Beijing, Keynote speech, 14-15 November 2012
35. (2012): Development of Settlements and Population in the Region of Waldviertel on the Level of the Smallest Unit of Settlement (“Katastralgemeinden”, on the basis of the cadastre of communities) since 1794. Austrian-Czech Conference of Historians. 2012. Raabs, 6-7 December 2012
36. (2013): Regulation of impact assessment of laws drafts in the EU 欧盟法律起草的影响评价规制, Lecture Renmin University Beijing, 23 September 2013
(2013): Obstacles and driving
forces on the long march to an Ecological Civilization
生态文明征程中的阻力与推动力 Third China-EU Social Ecological and Legal
Forum.Shanxi University of Finance and Economics Law School.Taiyuan, Keynote speech, 25-28 September 2013 (engl/chin)
38. (2013): Китайна Длинном Марше к «Экологической Цивилизации»: Станет Ли Китай Первым Регионом, Достигшим Новой Социально-Экологической Парадигмы? Институт Дальнего Востока Российской академии наук: Китай В Эпицентре Глобальных Проблем АТР - ХХ Международной научной конференции «Китай, китайская цивилизация и мир. История, современность, перспективы» Москва, 16-18 октября 2013 г. Тезисы Докладов C. 235-237
(China On The Long March To “Ecological Civilisation”: Will China Be The First Region Achieving A New Socio-Ecological Paradigm? Russian Academy of Science - Institute of Far Eastern
Studies, “China, Chinese Civilization and the World: History, Modernity and Future Prospects - China in the Epicenter of Global Problems Facing the Asia-Pacific Region, Moscow, 20th
International Conference 16-18 October 2013, Moscow. Abstracts P 235-237) Abstract Russian- English
39. (2013): Are Cheap Fossil Fuels Comparative Advantages? Paper and presentation at the 25th Conference of EAEPE- European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Paris, 7-9 November 2013, Université Paris,
40. (2014): (Re)Industrialisation and Energy in Europe and USA. Ninth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy WAPE. Vietnamese Academy of Social Science, Hanoi, 14-16 May 2014
41. (2014): Cheap Fossil Fuels or Energy Efficiency as Comparative Advantages? - Conference of ISEE (International Society of Ecological Economics) - “Equity within planetary boundaries”. Reykjavik, Iceland, 13-15 August 2014
42. (2014): Instruments and obstacles on the way to sustainable mobility. Fourth China-EU Social Ecological and Legal Forum. Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, 25-26 September 2014
(2014): The Fire of the Dragon – On the Metabolism of the World Factory –
National Framework and Global Implications. 1st Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics. Vienna 4-6 Dec 2014 - Paper
44. (2015) Towards a Global Ad Tax. The 5th ICTs & Society Conference ISIS Summit The Information Society at the Crossroads. Vienna University of Technology. Vienna, June 3-7, 2015.
45. (2016): Urbanization in China - Experiences and Options. Conference Regional Science Association. April 5th, 2015 Graz
(2016):The Patterns of Urbanization Are Crucial for
Mankind and Ecological Civilization: Experiences and Options 城市化模式是人类和生态文明的关键:
经验与选择 The 5h China-EU Social Ecological
and Legal Forum. Ocean University of China, September 23-25, Qingdao, 2015
47. (2016): Soil, water, energy and food in a comparative Chinese-European view – different features and experiences, common future in the age of climate change. 6th Social Ecological and Legal Forum - Suzhou - Oct 12th to 14th 2016. Keynote-paper
(2016): The rise of the far right, the solidarity and refugee question, globalisation and the socio-ecological transformation - Current multiple challenges in Europe.- 目前欧洲的好多问题,最大的就是难民问题,极右派兴起,全球化还有社会生态变化 Beijing University. October 17th 2016. And Shanghai Oct
17th, 2016. (English/Chinese)
49. (2017): The rise of the far right, the solidarity and refugee question, globalisation and the socio-ecological transformation - Current multiple challenges in Europe. ESEE - European Society of Ecological Economists - Budapest
50. (2017): About subjects of transformation towards eco-socialism and revolutionary situations in times of dead-lines of climate change International Symposium on History, Reality and Future of Socialism: The 100th Anniversary of the October Revolution, 21-22 October 2017, Beijing University
51. (2017): About subjects of transformation towards eco-socialism and revolutionary situations in times of dead-lines of climate change. Conference “October. Revolution. Future” Moscow, November 3-5, 2017
(2018): Towards a Global Ad Tax –Advertisement in a Political Economy and Political Ecology Framework IIPPE. September 12 - 14, Pula, Croatia; and World Association for Political Economy WAPE. Conference Berlin School of Economics and Law - 16.-18.
07.2018. Abstract
53. (2019): Fairness als Voraussetzung für Effektivität? - Verteilungsfragen in der Klimapolitik. Abstract. Einreichung Österrreichischer Klimatag 2019 (abgesagt)
54. (2020) Why Climate policy is pro-poor -Nine Levels of socio-ecological justice. International Conference on Globalisation, Inequality and Exclusion: Plan for Development or Path to Marginalisation March 20-21, 2020. Patalia, India (Because of Covid cancelled)
55. (2021): Nine Levels of socio-ecological distribution - Is climate policy pro-poor? Josef Baum. IIPPE 2021(online)
56. (2022): Alternativen der Regionalentwicklung am Beispiel des Waldviertels -zwischen Regionalisierung und Globalisierung. WU Wien. 6. April 2022
57. (2022): Will the "New Silk Road" be gray or green? IIPPE 2022 - 12th Annual Conference in Political Economy- September 7-9th, 2022. Bologna
58. (2022): Siedlungsstrukturentwicklung in einem peripheren Raum ab 1869: die Katastralgemeinden des Bezirks Waidhofen/Thaya von der Agrargesellschaft zur postindustriellen Gesellschaft – Update Konferenz. Ländliche Räume im strukturellen Wandel: Analyse, Herausforderungen und Governance. AK Ländliche Räume in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geographie (DGfG) 26. Jahrestagung, 12.-14.09.2022 Universität Wien
B. Weitere Vorträge
1. (1997) Nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung ist – auch unter Globalisierungsbedingungen – möglich und notwendig. Vortrag 21. 8. 1997, Pfunds, Klimabündnis-Kleingemeindetagung
2. (2002) Der Wienerwald als Region - auf dem Weg in die Nachhaltigkeit (12 Thesen) - Präsentation Wienerwaldkonferenz [Dabei wurde erstmals der Vorschlag für die Einrichtung eines Bioshpärenpark Wienerwald öffentlich gemacht] 21.6. 2002
3. (2003): War das Hochwasser 2002 hoch genug? Veranstaltung Grüne NÖ, Dürnhof/Zwettl, 23. September 03
4. (2005) Grenzübergreifende Regionalpolitik als Politik von unten. Beitrag auf der Regionalkonferenz der Europäischen Linken in Klagenfurt 19./20.11.2005
5. (2009): Lokale Ökonomien - nachhaltige Regionalentwicklung. Attac-Sommer-Akademie Krems 15.-19.7.2009
6. (2009): Energie - Klimawandel – Gerechtigkeit: Nur eine faire Verteilung löst die Energie- und Klimafrage. VHS-20 26. 3. 2009
7. (2009): Distribution and climate crisis – a new situation for the left –
Towards a social-ecological welfare state.Transform Europe. Stockholm June 14 2008
8. (2010): Climate change crisis: solidarity will be the great issue European Social Forum. 1-4 July 2010. Istanbul
9. (2012): Paths to sustainability under the context of climate change deadlines – regional, class and other distributions matter. Rio de Janeiro. Rio 2012 People's summit. Transform - REPORT (in French) PAPER
10. (2012): Der Flug des Drachen – China heute. Lehrerfortbildung, St. Pölten 16-10-2012
11. (2012): Einstieg und Ausstieg in regionale Nachhaltigkeit am Beispiel der Region Kautzen (NÖ) - Bedingungen, Erfolge, Probleme, Blockaden und Exit-Faktoren beim Einschlagen des Weges regionaler Nachhaltigkeit. „Solidarische Ökonomie“-Kongress 2013 22. - 24. Februar. Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
(2013): Elements for a reformulation of historical materialism - Will ecosocialism become
"necessary"? Conditions, opportunities and main fields of a socio-ecological transformation. - 历史唯物主义重构要素—生态社会主义会成为“必需”吗?—社会生态变革的条件、机会和主要领域 Conference “The Role of Science, Technology and Geo-politics in the 21st Century Evolution of Mankind”- Shanghai Maritime University, 28-30 September 2013
13. (2014): Industrial commons as precondition of a productive transformation („reindustralisation“). August 10th, 2014. Transform Europe at the World Social Forum Montreal
14. (2015): Argumentarium zu Fragen der Einführung einer flächendeckenden LKW-Maut in Österreich. AK-Wien. 20. 2. 2015
15. (2015): Project presentation „With The Sun Out Of The Crisis”- Increased implementation and development of solar-thermal facilities in Greece. Transform! Europe. April 18- 19 2015 Brussels
16. (2015): New Geopolitical Developments, European Energy Policy and Socio-ecological Transformation. Transform! Europe. April 18- 19 2015 Brussels
17. (2015): "Das Feuer des Drachen - Umweltprobleme in China. 17-11-2015, Univ. Salzburg
18. (2015): How to implement climate justice - concepts of fair solutions for a Left European Energy Policy. Transform Europe. 5 - 12 2015 Paris
19. (2015): Basics of Climate change - distributions matters. EL Summer University. July 9- 12 2015 Litomerice
19 a (2016): Globalisierung, China und regionale Entwicklung. Schule für Technik und Wirtschaft (Poly) Waidhofen/Thaya.16-01– 2016
19b (2016) Climate justice as an integrated left issue. Transform Europe 19-3-2016 Athens
20. (2016): Abschätzungen von regionalen Multiplikatorwirkungen im Zusammenhang mit der Einführung einer flächendeckenden LKW-Maut. Zukunftsfähige Straßen-Infrastruktur -
Kosten und Lösungen für baufällige Landes- und Gemeindestrassen. 15. 4. 2016
Wien Konferenz AK-Wien, Gewerkschaft Bau- Holz, Vida. Präsentation Studie
21. (2016): Warum gerade NÖ eine Flächendeckende LKW-Maut braucht. Verkehrswende NÖ 23. 4. 2016, St. Pölten
22. (2016): Double Exploitation, Militarization of the Arctic and Alternatives - Options on the socio-ecological development of the Arctic in the era of climate change. Conference “Arctic Initiative“ Helsinki - June 6th , 2016
23. (2017): Wohin fährt NÖ - Zur NÖ-Verkehrspolitik. 29.1.2017 Marchegg. Auf Einladung der KPÖ
23a. (2017) Effekte einer Einführung einer flächendeckenden LKW-Maut auf die Nahversorgung Präsentation 4.Mai 2017 bei der Konferenz der AK-Steiermark„ Sanierung der Landesstraßen – Möglichkeiten der Finanzierung“
24 (2017) Schrumpfen oder anders wachsen ? Perspektiven der Regionalentwicklung im Waldviertel . 8.8. 2017 Kulturbrücke Fratres
25. (2017) Remarks on the socio-ecological dimension of Europe's productive transformation and other issues. Brussels. Transform Europe. June 20th, 2017
26. (2018) -China von Links – Wohin fliegt der Drache -Entwicklungstendenzen Chinas 19-5-2018 Europacamp VSStÖ; 4-10-2018 Republikanischer Club Wien; 15.2 2017 7Stern Transform
(2018) What about the Dragon? China, Europe and the New Silk Road. Summer University 2018 of the European Left Party and transform!
Europahaus- Vienna - 11 to 15 July, 2018
28. (2018) What about the Dragon? China and the European Left. Dec 1st 2018. European Left Party. Prague
28a. (2019): Justice and equality as precondition for effective environmental and climate policy. Climate change and distribution - Basics for an eco-socialist "narrative". International Transform conference in Copenhagen “Confronting Climate Change – Red-Green Transformation in Europe and globally”, Copenhagen 16 March 2019
28b. (2019) Klimapolitik als soziale Frage. 4.12. 2019 VHS 13. Wien
29. (2019) Mobilität im Waldviertel und Waldviertelautobahn, 3. 5. 2019 Forum Allentsteig
30. (2019) Eklatante Unterschiede in der Gesundheitssituation im Waldviertel im Vergleich zu anderen Regionen - Kulturbrücke Fratres (Waldviertel) 22.6.19
31. (2019): Verteilungsfragen und Ökologie/Klimapolitik - Warum rot und grün zusammengehört. Rosa Luxemburg Konferenz Wien. PANEL mit Christian ZELLER (Salzburg): Ökosozialistische Grundkonzepte, Strategien und aktuelle Ansätze
32. (2019): Fair distribution as an adequate characteristic of Ecological Civilization –- DISTRIBUTION MATTERS. Presentation English/Chinese. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, International.Forum on Ecological Civilization, Jinan, Shandong Province, October 31, 2019
33. (2019): Mobilität am Lande - umweltverträglich, leistbar und gerecht - wie geht das? Katholische Männerbewegung. Stift Zwettl, 6. März 2019; Pfarre Kilb Samstag, 23. März 2019. - Bild
(2020): China Heute- Vom Wirtschaftswunder und
Umweltfiasko zum Vorreiter für Erneuerbare Energien? Wie unsere Zukunft mit China zusammenhängt- Eindrücke aus 15 China-Aufenthalten 13.1.2020. Vortrag Purkersdorf.
35. (2021): Klimawandel und Verteilungsfragen Transform!at online 7. 4. 2021
36. (2022): Eco only goes with social - social only goes with eco - A Marxian approach of social ecology. DIALOP (Christian Marxist Dialogue) Conference Vienna. 21.6. 2022
37. (2022): The socio-ecological dimension of the New Silk Road - will it be grey or green? Seminar of the European Transport Workers' Federation: The Belt & Road Initiative 3 | Vienna, 29 November 2022
38. (2022): Klimapolitik als soziale
Frage - Warum die Klimafrage untrennbar mit der Verteilungsfrage verbunden ist. VHS 13. 16-12-2022
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